RapidDXF - Import topographic data into CAD
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Program Presentation
Coordinates Files
DXF Files Creation
Formats Editor

Coordinates files must be ASCII (Text) or XLS (Microsoft Excel) files. They can have any number of data fields (or columns), each field delimited by a separator that you define (in case of a TEXT file only. XLS files don't need a separator). Data can be preceeded by a prefix, and fields can appear in any order. RapidDXF will extract revelant information from these fields and will create a DXF file from them.

Fields from which RapidDXF will extract data are :

  • Number or Label of the point : this can be any text string.
  • X (East) Coordinate : this must be a decimal or integer number: 1234.15 or 1235 are valid values.
  • Y (North) Coordinate : this must be a decimal or integer number: 1234.15 or 1235 are valid values.
  • Z (Elevation) Coordinate : this must be a decimal or integer number: 1234.15 or 1235 are valid values.
  • Description of the point : this can be any text string.
  • Code for polyline creation : this can be any text string.

Not all fields are required, the minimum are the X and Y coordinates. The separator can be any character : Space TAB ; , : ! except the decimal point (.).


Examples of valid formats :

Number X Y Z with a space as separator :

10 10020.208 50001.641 20.000
11 10051.282 49990.715 30.000
12 10051.236 49990.232 10.000
13 10047.829 49990.231 20.000
14 10051.259 49993.467 30.000


Number X Y Z Code Description with a comma as separator :

21,10039.514,49971.001,200.00,1,a description
22,10041.193,49969.372,10.000,2,another description
26,10041.211,49978.757,20.000,1,start of polyline
27,10043.087,49977.443,30.000,2,another description
28,10047.191,49977.900,30.000,2,another description
31,10041.946,49981.970,10.000,0,end of polyline


Y X with a space as separator. This is the minimal required :

10020 50001
10051 49990
10051 49990
10047 49990
10051 49993


Coordinates files can have any extension.

In order to create DXF files from your coordinates files, you must use the appropriate Format. You can use predefined formats or create your own by using the Format Editor.

Program Presentation | Coordinates Files | DXF Files Creation | Formats Editor | Program Options
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